Sunday, March 29, 2020

University of Arizona Tutoring Service

University of Arizona Tutoring ServiceThe University of Arizona has put their name to one of the most innovative learning resources of this century - tutoring. In fact, it is a subject that has seen the release of a plethora of students from across the globe, all who have benefitted immensely from the university's tutoring services. It has now become a part of every American's life, as evidenced by the numerous home schooling programs that are springing up all over the nation. Many adults are drawn to the idea of homeschooling, in particular the non-traditional areas that these programs address.What is the right program for you? How do you know which tutoring center you should work with? This article will help. We will discuss the different aspects of learning and education, as well as the different types of tutoring that are available. So sit back and get ready to take your next step into an educational revolution.The first thing you need to do is think about the future education st udent you want to become. If you are an older adult, it would be smart to look at programs that will teach you some concepts that your child would not be able to learn when they grow up. If you are a college student, then you may be looking at a college campus tutoring program, because colleges now believe that a professional tutor can assist them in their studies. For many students, it would be very important to study some other method to get what they need, like an English tutoring service, or some physical education tutoring, which are all available.Many students have also found that if they sign up for the same program that their parents are involved in, they can earn extra credit and continue on to a more formal college program. This will usually include many hours of tutoring that students will never get, so there is no rush. When they return to school, they may even feel less pressure because of the extra experience. There are programs for almost any major you could possibly imagine, though each university may specialize in a certain area.It is also possible to earn your degree at the University of Arizona, and many students are getting their undergraduate degrees, at least, online. This is because many online courses are offered by the university, and many people are enrolling in this manner. Also, many online classes require no or minimal attendance; if you would rather be there but don't want to be forced to attend, then you can find many online courses that allow you to study, but not necessarily earn. This is often known as accelerated education.Tutoring does not only concern study, however. Tutors also help students that are dealing with a stress-related situation such as separation or death of a family member. For many, this is a major help, especially when a family member was involved in some tragic event.You can easily find out how much tutoring you can get for yourself or to a friend or relative that you are thinking of working with. It may be helpful to take some time to consult with an experienced homeschooling expert. If you are considering a career in education, take a moment to consider the advantages that a university of Arizona tutoring service can give you.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What Its Like To Take Your First College Test

What It's Like To Take Your First College Test Via ( You have assigned reading for a reason. Your professor didn’t make you buy a textbook and let it sit at your desk with no purpose other than to hurt your bank account. Your lectures, homework, and exam grades all ride on the simple task of reading. Instead of rushing to your room after class to catch up on the next Netflix episode, skim through the chapter and highlight what interested you about the reading. You’ll be able to input your thoughts during the discussion and impress your professor. 2. Did you talk in class? Via ( Giving your opinion and asking questions is probably the easiest thing you can do. Professors like students that speak up and discuss. It’s a high school “teacher’s pet” move, but it’s a smart move in college. Other students might have similar thoughts and questions; they’ll even appreciate that you took one for the team and spoke first. Easier said than done, of course. The intimidation of talking in a room full of strangers is real, but so is not knowing the answer to the question. If you really aren’t comfortable with speaking up in class, write down any questions and email your professor or stop by to discuss during their office hours. Your effort outside of class may even be rewarded with a few extra points on your grade. 3. Dont go out.   Via (Giphy) Learn from my mistakes, y’all. Do not, under any circumstance, go out before a test. A no-brainer, huh? Well, yours truly was obviously not prepared for college. I’d just moved to a new city for college, I went out and had dinner with a cousin. That turned into a night of bars and clubs, naturally. Next thing I knew, I was crashed out on her couch with no way of getting back to campus. Luckily, I have the best friend you can make in college who picked my hungover ass up and took me back to my dorm room. I then had the genius idea of checking my planner and realized my first midterm exam of my college life was in 15 minutes. It didn’t matter that I’d taken the fastest shower in recorded history and Usain Bolted to my class because I was two minutes late and my professor had locked the doors. I made the lesser known walk of shame to my room. The story has a happy ending, however, because my professor offered the class a recovery exam to replace the lowest test grade. Still, I was traumatized about the whole thing that I didn’t go out again for three months. To this day, I make it a point to check my agenda before I even think about going out. 4. Layouts matter. Via (Giphy) How you’re getting tested is important to know, too. Depending on your class material, your professor may give you questions in essay or multiple choice format. Your professor may assign a day to review in the syllabus. If you don’t pay attention at any other point in the semester, please pay attention to this one given day as a one-time refresher on what will be on your first college test. If the exam is in essay format, your professor will want to know what you took away from class discussions and topics. Formulate a study guide with opinionated answers and write down anything you can remember or research on. If the exam is in multiple-choice format, you’ll probably want to use note cards as your study guide. Write down definitions, important names and dates, key facts, and topic summaries. If you can connect descriptions to words, you’ll have an easier time taking your test. 5. Grading styles help. Via ( Curves, in all sense of the word, are my favorite. Professors know that college students are not prepared for college-level work. Don’t feel bad about how badly it went because they may pity you and add points to your grade. Although this may not seem fair to the ones who studied intensely, their grade will just get better so it’s a win-win for everyone. 6. Incentives work. Via (Giphy) If having good grades isn’t important enough to you, remember that there’s ice cream in the freezer waiting for you after that one hour of hell. It helps, I promise. Your rewards after having survived your first exam will be much sweeter. Obviously, you could just collect your prize now and go to your exam with a happy belly, but the psychology of setting a reward and earning it is much more satisfying. Your first exam is not just your first exam it’s a holistic preview of the semester. If you fail because you don’t study, I don’t have to tell you what happened there. If you prepare for the worst, you’ll have a better chance of acing your first college test. May the odds be ever in your favor, friends.

A New Year, A New Fight For Womens Rights

A New Year, A New Fight For Womens Rights While this certainly isn’t news to anyone that’s been watching the news, it’s still alarming that this is going to be one of the first topics up for discussion, especially given its controversial background. According to Planned Parenthood, following the election of Donald Trump they prepared themselves for “a fight of a scale that we haven’t seen before.” And they were right in doing so. This Thursday, Paul Ryan (House Speaker) confirmed the alleged plans in stating that Republicans were planning to take away federal funding from Planned Parenthood. This would be done as a part of a bill that Republicans are putting together to repeal the Affordable Care Act. According to Paul Ryan, “Planned Parenthood legislation will be in our reconciliation bill.” However, he did not explain any further than this. This is not the first time that Republicans have attempted to repeal the bill. Republicans previously passed a reconciliation bill back in 2015 that was meant to repeal Obamacare (at least in part) and to defund Planned Parenthood. This bill passed both houses of Congress but was ultimately vetoed by President Obama. This time around, we may see a different ending. For one thing, senators are unable to filibuster the bill (as it’s part of the reconciliation process) and for another, the bill won’t need a majority to pass. And the biggest difference of all is the President himself, as Trump is unlikely to veto this bill as his predecessor did before him, and that’s exactly what Republicans are expecting. Because of this bill, it’s likely that Planned Parenthood will have to close operations in many parts of the country, as they are expected to lose almost half of their funding if this bill becomes a law. President of Planned Parenthood Cecile Richards commented on this bill: “Two and a half million women, men and young people come through our doors every year for life-saving care like cancer screenings, birth control, and STI and STD tests … and they cannot afford to have basic reproductive health care attacked.” This is basically what the whole controversy comes down to abortion. Because Planned Parenthood offers abortion procedures, Republicans want to shut it down. But the truth is, Planned Parenthood is so much more than that, and while that’s a large component, it isn’t everything. Planned Parenthood provides low-income individuals healthcare that they can’t get elsewhere, and protects women’s reproductive rights on top of it all. So whether or not individuals agree with abortion is irrelevant Planned Parenthood is open regardless of everyone’s beliefs; it’s open because it’s necessary. It’s so easy to discredit Planned Parenthood because it “takes a stance” on a controversial issue that you (and Republicans) may not agree with, but that’s looking through a very narrow, judgmental lens that doesn’t give you the full picture. And Planned Parenthood has been attacked more than enough times, including the recent lawsuit in Texas involving Medicaid funds being withdrawn, which Planned Parenthood has referred to as a “politically motivated witch hunt.” It’s been said time and time again and needs to be keep being said until somebody listens: women’s reproductive rights have no stakes on politics. None. What a woman does or does not do with her body is nobody’s business but her own, and taking away rights (such as abortion, which, like it or not, is still a right) is wrong. To rant a little bit, it’s important that we remember the separation of church and state. Because pro-life activists are mostly (not entirely, but mostly) Christian’s, this is a huge conflict of interest. Moving to the Americas was initially done in part for freedom of religion, and condemning women for practicing abortion is in direct violation of this. Just because you believe it is wrong does not make it so. It’s an individual choice, and one that you will hopefully never have to make. But it’s still a choice, and women have the right to make it regardless of your religious beliefs. So brace yourselves, as controversy is already beginning in 2017, and if Planned Parenthood has anything to say about it, this struggle is going to be far from easy for Republicans. And vice versa. Who will win? Only time will tell.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Making the Most of Any Internship

Making the Most of Any Internship Learn new skills that can help you stand out among competitors   Instead of looking at an internship that isnt related to your major or career as a lost opportunity to learn skills for your desired career, look at the internship as an opportunity to learn new skills that you would not be able to learn if you were doing an internship related to your major or career. If you are looking to go into a more science-oriented field and end up with an internship in writing or publishing with a company like Uloop, dont assume that theres nothing for you to learn if you arent doing anything science-related. You get to learn how to improve your writing something that is vital in writing important emails or proposals. You also get to learn how to cater to a specific audience, depending on what internship you are in this will help you when it comes to choosing how and when to say something depending on who you are speaking to (a boss, a fellow coworker, a client, etc). Always try to see any skills you pick up during an internship as a later advantage. Spending time working an internship unrelated to your major or career allows you to pick up skills you may not be able to pick up otherwise, something that future employers will appreciate when you are able to offer more skills than what is expected of you. This is even more helpful when being compared to others in your major, as you will be able to claim a more diverse set of skills and knowledge than your peers, something that can get you a position over them. When picking up a new skill, always try to figure out how it amplifies a skill you already have, or how it can help you in your future career. Network with others outside of your major or career   Just like your internship offering you the chance to learn new skills that will help you in the future, your internship will offer you the opportunity to network, just like any opportunity. You may not think that you have something in common with your coworkers or fellow interns because you arent studying anything related to the internship and therefore shouldnt bother connecting with them, but networking with them is just as important as networking at any other internship. You never know where one worker has been, or even where they plan to go until you reach out to them. Dont try to put up a front like the internship exactly fits the bill of what you want in a career; be honest about why you took up the internship (picking up new skills, you liked the company, etc.) and voice your desires and interests when it comes to what you study and want to do in the future. Company employees may even be in the same boat, or have been, and can offer plenty of advice to help get you where you want to be. They may be able to help you connect with friends and other connections that are in the field that you want to be in, giving you a way to build up your experience regardless of your internship.

Get An Overview Of The Ap Chemistry College Board Course

Get An Overview Of The Ap Chemistry College Board CourseWith Ap Chemistry College Board you will be able to learn all the basic concepts of the subject, while also taking a class that will enable you to go on to higher degrees. You can use this information to boost your career prospects, while also improving your personal outlook and level of study.The Ap chemistry college board is an online course that has been designed to provide a good foundation for a variety of subjects. These include Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Organic Chemistry, and Biochemistry. It is a course that is not only of interest to students studying Chemistry as a subject but also to those who would like to work in various research laboratories or as laboratory technicians.You may even want to choose a different subject altogether, if the knowledge and techniques that are taught in a course are not interesting to you. All the courses are well laid out with all the necessary steps involved in learning the subje ct. There are a number of manuals that you will find useful in understanding all the subject material and in the study.By completing the course you will have gained a lot of important knowledge. This should be used for your benefit as it allows you to further advance in your career.In Chemistry there are many different fields, each of which is interesting, and each of which brings its own set of opportunities and challenges. Those who wish to excel in their careers in chemistry may wish to look into the very exciting career of Chemistry Research, where they can work for a company and help them develop new products.The best way to explore all the areas in which you may wish to excel in, is to join an accredited college or university. This will allow you to find the right Ap Chemistry College Board course to suit your needs and requirements.This is a course that will be of great use to anyone who wishes to further their education and career in this field. Anyone wishing to enter a ran ge of careers in this field will find that this is the course that will enable them to maximise their abilities and will offer them a sound foundation in the fundamental concepts of chemistry. They will then be able to take part in more advanced courses and be ready to start on the path to advancement.

AP Biology - Helpful Links To Consider

AP Biology - Helpful Links To ConsiderThe AP Biology chapter is one of the more popular AP courses taught at the university level. There are certain elements that are taught in this course that could benefit students. These benefits will vary from one individual to another but they can be easily applied to any other college or university level course that takes biology. This is one of the reasons why it is a great option for those who are on a budget and are willing to take the time to educate themselves about the most important field of study in the world.Before high school students became interested in science, it was much more difficult to understand the complexities of life on this planet. Biology therefore requires students to learn about things like genes, cell division, reproduction, genetics, and even the events that lead to the species' extinction. For a lot of students who have grown up in this type of environment, there is nothing that can prepare them for taking a biology course.Biology also offers an interesting way for students to expand their knowledge of life as we know it. Students often begin their studies with a biology class, which teaches them how the different parts of the body interact with each other and the environment. This information will be a valuable tool for students to use when they decide to pursue a career in biology. The very first part of this introductory class teaches students how to differentiate among their body parts such as muscles, bones, organs, and so on.In addition to the biological understanding of the various parts of the body, it is important for students to also understand how their body reacts to different environments. For example, if a student is exposed to various kinds of toxins during their studies, they will need to be able to differentiate between healthy parts of the body and unhealthy parts. This way, they will be able to determine whether or not they are exposed to harmful toxins.Biology is a practica l science and students must realize that while they may not be able to solve every puzzle, they will be able to tackle a variety of problems. If they are prepared for the challenges that lie ahead, they will be able to succeed in the future.Biology also allows students to learn about the process of evolution. Just as organisms adapt to their surroundings, they are also influenced by their environment. Through biology, students can see how the world has changed over time and how the development of different species has come to be. This will help them understand the relationships between all the different elements of the world such as a person's parents, the environment, and the course of time.Additionally, social sciences and psychology are also included in the courses of Biology. In this case, students will learn how emotions impact people's ability to function effectively and solve problems. It is always beneficial for students to take classes with other students who will relate to their own life experiences and it can help students feel more comfortable in their surroundings.

Should I Go To Arcadia University

Should I Go To Arcadia University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Kaitlin received her Bachelors degree in History and Secondary Education from Arcadia University. She is currently a tutor in Philadelphia, specializing in AP U.S. Government Politicstutoring, Grammar and Mechanicstutoring, Mathtutoring, and several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at Arcadia University: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. How urban or rural is the campus? Did you feel safe on campus? Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Kaitlin: Arcadia Universitys campus is located in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Glenside is considered part of the Philadelphia metropolitan area, but it is definitely in the suburbs. As a result, you get the best of both worlds. With two bus routes taking you throughout the area, and the Glenside train station just a 10-minute walk away, Arcadia University is incredibly accessible. It is a small campus in about 20 minutes, you can make a loop around the entire university. It is also a secure campus. Our Public Safety office partners with the local township to ensure that students feel safe and taken care of. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Kaitlin: One of the things that I loved most about Arcadia University was its class sizes. The largest class that I ever had was about 25 students with this in mind, professors always knew me and my classmates. It was very rare to find teaching assistants at Arcadia University. In fact, if professors hire teaching assistants, they are not allowed to teach classes. Because of the small, intimate class size, I was able to build strong connections with my professors, some of whom still mentor me today. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Kaitlin: The majority of students at Arcadia University live on campus. The university guarantees housing for all four years of your undergraduate academic career. Housing options include living in a traditional dorm; in suite-style rooms, with separate bedrooms and a shared living area/bathroom; in apartment-style housing; and, my personal favorite, in the Castle. Grey Towers Castle is the cornerstone of Arcadia University it was built in the 1800s, and Arcadia University has since transformed it into offices and first-year housing. I was fortunate enough to live in the Castle during my first year of college, and I absolutely loved it! I was in a huge room with my own bathroom and five roommates. My second year, I was a Resident Assistant in the traditional dorms, where I found students to be more social. They often formed greater bonds with their hallmates. All of the university housing is on or near campus, with the furthest option (apartment-style) only a five- to 10-minute walk away. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Kaitlin: The most popular majors on campus include Elementary Education, Biology, and Psychology. We have an awesome Physical Therapy graduate school program, so a lot of our incoming undergraduates choose Biology or Psychology as their undergraduate major. I studied History and Secondary Education I knew that I wanted to be a teacher from a young age. One of the best parts about Arcadia Universitys School of Education is that, if you complete all of the requirements, you can graduate with not only a degree, but also a license to teach in Pennsylvania. Throughout my program, I found mentors who were able to work with me and help me fine tune my long-term goals, including teaching in an urban school district. Throughout my undergraduate career, particularly during student teaching, I was incredibly supported by the School of Education, especially by my student teaching supervisor. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Kaitlin: Greek life is not present at Arcadia University. But the amount of clubs, intramural sports, and activities provided by Arcadia University make meeting people and creating friendships easy to do. While its sometimes silly stuff for example, a really popular activity on campus is Midnight Bingo theres always something to do and somewhere to meet new people. I met one of my best friends at an Arcadia University event. We ended up leading the same club together, and we have been inseparable ever since. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Kaitlin: The Office of Career Education is phenomenal. They have workshops, job fairs, and other services for students from the very beginning of their college careers. I started receiving help for my resume in the first semester of my first year with their help, and after continuing with their programs, I was able to fine-tune my resume and receive a job offer after attending a job fair hosted by the Office of Career Education. They have more than 30 companies come each year, from pharmaceuticals, to school districts, to NGOs, and more. In addition, the Office of Career Education is also available for alumni. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Kaitlin: Because Arcadia University is so small (my graduating class only had 420 students in it), there is very rarely over-crowding. While the library gets very busy during finals as most college libraries do the rest of campus is pretty spacious and easily available. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Kaitlin: Glenside is a small town just outside of the city. There youll find local pizza shops, grocery stores, and a few parks but the most entertainment that youll find will be in the city. The train station is just a 10-minute walk from campus. Students usually find a healthy balance between going into the city and staying in Glenside. There have been more up-and-coming events, such as arts festivals and farmers markets, that make this easier. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Kaitlin: As I said before, I loved the small class sizes. The total size of Arcadia University is around 2,500 undergraduate students, so it is very small in comparison to some of the bigger state schools in the city. I chose Arcadia University for this small size, and I enjoyed being able to know pretty much everyone in my graduating class. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Kaitlin: One of my best classes at Arcadia University was my Spring Preview class. Every spring, Arcadia University gives first-year students the opportunity to learn about a place and travel there for Spring Break. The class that I took was all about religion in Granada, Spain. I learned about Granada from January to March, and then at the end of March, I traveled with my class of 17 students to Spain. While there, we got to see all of the sites that we had spent the entire semester learning about. It was incredible! The people that I traveled with that first year are some of my best friends today. Check out Kaitlins tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.